Welcome to the wonderful world of DrChrono!
So you’ve taken the plunge, signed up for an account, and are rearin’ to go with a world-class EHR! What do you do next?
Easy! We’ve put together a few necessary steps to get you more acquainted with all that we have to do. Beyond these steps, we invite you to explore our help section so you can dive into just how powerful DrChrono is.
1. Upload your patient information. You can fully upload your patient demographics information from any other EMR right to DrChrono by going here.
2. Choose from our library of templates, or create your own by using your template builder. One of the best things about DrChrono is our enormous library of medical form templates - choose the forms that work best for you, and you can upload them right to your profile. This way, they’re easy to access when you need them.
3. Set up staff user accounts. Create profiles for all of your staff so that you know what information they should have access to. Patient charts & notes? Billing? Front office Check-in? You define the parameters.
4. Set up the nitty-gritty of your practice. Contact info, office hours, logos, photos, and email addresses. Spend 5 minutes to do this right the first time.
5. Referral contacts. Do you send out referrals regularly to the same doctors? By adding them to your contact list, you can quickly and easily send them referrals when you’re with the patient. Don’t waste time later.
6. Create & Schedule your patients. Learn how you can easily manage your schedule through DrChrono, as well as set up auto-reminders that automatically ping your patients before their appointment. No more “I forgot” excuses for missed appointments!
7. OnPatient. Before or after your patients visit you, they can go to OnPatient.com to access all of their records, fill out consent forms before their visit, or even ask you direct questions. Make sure to sign up your patients for OnPatient access! Learn more about OnPatient here.
8. iPad Access. Setup and configure your iPad, learn, and figure out which system (iPad or Web) you prefer to use when.
9. Contact Support. If you can't find what you are looking for in our knowledge base, you always have the option to contact our support team to get any, and all your questions answered. Our regular support business hours are Monday- Friday 8 am - 8 pm EST/ 5 am - 5 pm PST. We also offer chat support.
And that’s it! Give yourself a few minutes to feel out DrChrono and allow us to simplify your practice. When you're ready, find out how much your account is currently set up.