Popular Articles

  1. Running Eligibility when the Claim goes to an Alternative Payer

    Receiving eligibility when the claim is billed to an alternative payer DrChrono has added an exciting new feature for those claims where the eligibility information comes from one company, and the claim goes to another payer for processing. ...
  2. Video: Cloning a Claim

    Need to clone a claim? Check out this video to see how simple it is in DrChrono! ...
  3. Video: Product Procedure Report

    Watch this video and see how the Product Procedure Report can assist your practice. ...
  4. Printing UB04 Forms

    If you are set up to bill institutional claims, you can print UB04 / HCFA 1450 forms by following the steps below: 1. Hover over the Billing tab and select Live Claims Feed 2. Click on the visit date for the Institutional Ap...
  5. eProvider Solutions - Payer Search

    If your account is utilizing eProvider Solutions (ePS) as your clearinghouse, any payer that you have either completed or started an EDI enrollment with will appear at the top of any payer search you complete. They will show at the ...
  6. If I Have Submitted my EDI and/or ERA Paperwork, Can I Bill Claims Right Away?

    Can claims be submitted and ERA transactions received immediately after submitting the EDI and/or ERA agreement ? No. The payer will need time to process the paperwork within their processing systems, referred to as the payer t...
  7. Patient Payment Plans: Processing monthly payment plan payments

    When you have patients who are on monthly payment plans, often it is helpful to see all of the plans at once. This can help budgeting within the office by knowing how many payments and their amounts which expected in a given month. ** Ple...
  8. Where do I need {{value}} when I am building a form?

    How to add a value in the form field.
  9. Making Form Fields Required

    How to make form fields required.
  10. How do I add the purchased service provider information to a claim?

    A purchased service provider is defined as "... an individual or entity that performs a service on a contractual or reassignment basis for a separate provider who is billing for the service. Examples of services include, but are not limite...