Creating Custom Vitals

You can set up custom vitals to appear as fields you may enter during an appointment. Custom vitals are a great way to customize DrChrono to your specific practice needs.

1. To get started, go to Account and select Custom Fields.

2. Select Vital Flowsheet (left column)

3. You will first need to create a new flowsheet by clicking +Add Flowsheet (top right corner).


4. Once the flowsheet has been created Click +Add New Vital


5. Enter the information for your new vital sign.


You'll be presented with several fields:

  • Name: The name of the custom vital.
  • Name on Form Builder: This is the name of the vital when you add it to a medical form in the Generated Text section of the Form Builder.
  • Data Type: The type of data to be entered (3 types).

1. Plain Text - the field records a typed text.

2. Single Selection - a list of values that can be selected. A Single Selection Values box will appear to enter the values in a list form.

3. Number - records a numerical value.

*Decimal Places: The number of decimal places that the number requires. This field is not available if the 'Data Type' selection is not 'Number'.

*Show + Sign Checkbox: This checkbox enables or disables using positive or negative numbers and will show the + or - sign. This field is not available if the 'Data Type' selection is not 'Number'.

  • Unit: The unit of the field entered (eg. 'kilograms'). You may also enter a custom unit for your appointment needs. This field is not available if the 'Data Type' selection is not 'Number'.
  • Is Fraction: Checking this box will indicate that two fields need to be entered. You can use the standard fraction '/' delimiter or whichever delimiter you need (eg. the '+/-' delimiter will allow you to enter precision in your appointment, "30.5 +/- 0.3").
  • Description: The description of your custom vital.

6. After you select save, you can see the new Flowsheei with the custom vital(s) listed.

The custom vitals will appear under the Vitals tab within the appointment screen to test your custom vitals, you can visit the form builder or the appointment 'Vitals' tab.