Enter the Onset Date on the iPad

There are certain scenarios where you need to add onset date information to your patient's claim for it to process correctly.  You can enter the information in the patient's chart on your iPad. 

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The Billing Onset Date section on the Appointment Details pane of your EHR app. It allows the entry of a patient's onset date of the following categories:

Onset Date Type:

  • Onset of Current Symptoms or Illness
  • Date of Accident
  • Last Menstrual Period

Other Date Type:

  • Initial Visit Date
  • Initial Treatment Date
  • Last Related Visit

Billing Onset Date is disabled by default. To enable Billing Onset Date, select More > Account Settings in your EHR/EMR app's navigation bar. Here, select the Appointment Detail View Settings option.

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In the Appointment Detail View Settings page, turn the Billing Onset Date toggle switch onSwitch_Icon_Check_In_app_On.png.

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If you select an appointment from your schedule, you will be able to see the Billing Onset Date section in your patient's Appointment Detail pane. Here, tap on the Onset Date Type or Other Date Type and their corresponding date fields to change the onset date as you see fit. These changes will automatically sync with your web EHR's appointments.

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