Release Notes for DrChrono Mobile Version 11.0.108


Clinical Notes

Summary Description Knowledge Base Article
iOS error log: Implement Clinical Notes error handling on iOS To enhance the user experience and provide better support for Clinical Notes on the iOS platform, the following features have been implemented:
  • More specific error messages: Users can view detailed error messages when a switch/field fails to save successfully for easier troubleshooting and understanding of the issue.
  • Copy diagnostics to the clipboard: You can use a new button to copy diagnostic information related to the specific error to your clipboard. You can paste this information anywhere for further analysis or support purposes.
  • Hyperlink for support ticket: To streamline the support process, a direct hyperlink is available for you to file a support ticket for any issues encountered.

First Databank (drug database)

Summary Description Knowledge Base Article
Warning Shows for Medication or Supply Drug If It Is Unsearchable from FDB When a medication is resent from the medication list using an outdated National Drug Code (NDC), the user is directed to the Medication tab on the send eRx screen. An alert notifies the user that the medication is obsolete. Alert indicators:
  • Red warning: The drug is not searchable
  • Orange warning: The drug name is converted based on NDC.

Prescribing via the DrChrono EHR iPad App

Pharmacy user interface (UI)

Summary Description Knowledge Base Article
Add patient to preferred pharmacies from pharmacy search without setting it as a default pharmacy     The pharmacy is included in the preferred pharmacy field within the patient chart without being designated as the default pharmacy.    
Improved UI to add pharmacy to favorite pharmacies and patient's preferred pharmacies We made several enhancements to the UI to improve user experience. 
  • Clear text when adding a patient's favorite pharmacy to ensure better visibility and understanding.
  • Color correction for patient default pharmacy selection buttons. Pharmacies appear in gray, and non-default ones in blue.
  • Added two new tabs, Favorite Pharmacies and Patient Preferred Pharmacies, for easier navigation and organization of pharmacy information.
  • Implemented a notification system to inform users when the previous default pharmacy has been removed upon selection of a new default pharmacy.

Updated Add to Preferred Pharmacies notification When you select Add to Preferred Pharmacies, the "Pharmacy added to patient defaults" notification appears instead of “Pharmacy added to patient's preferred pharmacy."
Updated notification when deleting a favorite from the favorite pharmacy list When you delete a favorite from the favorite pharmacy list, the "Pharmacy has been removed from preferred pharmacies" notification appears instead of "Pharmacy has been removed from favorite pharmacies."

Appointment reunification

Summary Description Knowledge Base Article
Implement variable width for patient flag cells on iPad when the horizontal scrolling option is selected An update has been made to enhance the variable width for patient flag cells on iPad when the horizontal scrolling option is selected.

Hide ICD-9 reference on the appointment screen on the iOS EHR The ICD-9 billing type reference has been removed from the Appointment Details screen. Only ICD-10 codes now appear.
Improve appointment list reselection logic     The system has been updated to retain the selected appointment and the scroll position on the Appointment Details screen.    


Summary Description Knowledge Base Article
Add a Support PIN section to Account Settings The new Support PIN feature has been introduced in Account Settings. This feature offers two options: View Your PIN and Change PIN.
New login for SAML SSO users You can log in via SAML single sign-on (SSO). SAML SSO simplifies your access process so you can use your existing credentials from your identity provider. This new login workflow is part of our ongoing commitment to security and usability. SSO New Login Workflow


Appointment unification

Summary Description
Appointment Details screen does not update when trying to refresh
We fixed an issue where the Appointment Details screen did not update when you refreshed the page. When changes are made to the appointment on another device, the appointment details page automatically refreshes to reflect the updates.
Vitals do not automatically update on the Appointment Details screen
We fixed an issue where vitals did not automatically update on the Appointment Details screen. After you save the changes, the vitals information updates.
Unable to change supervising provider on the Appointment Details screen
We fixed an issue where you could not change the supervising provider on the appointment details screen. The Appointment Details screen now updates to reflect changes made to the supervising provider for an appointment.
The EHR app unexpectedly crashes while switching offices/exam rooms We fixed an issue where the EHR app crashed unexpectedly when switching between offices/exam rooms. The EHR app behaves as expected when switching between offices/exam rooms.
The search bar does not show in the billing code search screen
We fixed an issue where the search bar did not show in the billing code search screen. The search bar now appears.