Prescription Drafts

Prescription drafts are available in DrChrono. Drafts can be made in the patient's chart or with a refill request. Prescription drafts can be completed by providers to review and send later. Prescription drafts can also be completed by staff members for the provider to complete later. Prescription drafts can be completed anytime. They do not need to be connected to an appointment but can be created before, during, or after a visit.

In this article we will review:

Non-Controlled Medication Drafts

To draft a prescription, go to the Send eRx section of the patient's chart.


Complete the prescription as you normally would and click Preview Prescription.


On the Prescription Summary page, click Save Draft to save the prescription to the patient's chart for completion later.


A success message will appear that the draft has been saved.


Important Information on Prescription Drafts:

  • If you need to revisit a draft and make updates to it, clicking Save Draft will save those updates to the draft.
  • If you have multiple Surescripts provider numbers for different locations you prescribe from, the locations are not saved in the draft.
  • Effective dates are not saved in drafts.

Controlled Substance Drafts

Drafts for controlled substances are completed similarly to drafts for non-controlled substances.

Complete the prescription normally and click Preview Prescription.

CS_Draft_Preview_Prescription.pngAt the top of the screen, click Save Draft to save the prescription to the patient's chart for completion later.

CS_draft_save_draft.png A success message will appear that the draft has been saved.


Accessing a Draft

Prescription drafts can be accessed in the patient's chart under the Medication List. Click Review to access a draft. If you need to remove a draft, click Delete.


After clicking Review, any adjustments can be made. Click Preview Prescription when ready to send.


The prescription can be sent, faxed, or printed. You will see a Deleted draft message when the prescription is sent.


You can create drafts for single or multiple medications or a batch, including controlled substances. Click Review to continue.




Review the medication(s) and click Preview Prescription.


Click Ready to sign for any controlled substances and send the prescriptions.


After multi-factor authentication, the prescriptions will be sent, and the draft will be deleted.


Drafts from Refill Requests

Refill Requests can be found in the message center(Message_Center_Icon.png). Click Refill Requests on the left-hand menu and open the request.


Once the request is open, scroll down to the bottom to complete the request. In this example, we will add some extra text to show how the draft works. Click Preview Prescription to continue.


Click Save Draft.


The draft will be saved in the patient's chart.


For controlled substances, open the request and select the Replace button. Make any changes, if needed, and click Preview Prescription.


Click Save Draft to save the prescription draft to the patient's chart. The draft can be accessed later to complete the medication order.


Prescription Drafts on the iPad