Reporting on Custom Demographics

Reports on custom demographics can be generated under the Advanced Report feature in the Reports menu.

1. Go to Reports > Advanced Report

Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 4.56.20 PM.png

2. Once in the reports screen, there are two options to run a report on custom demographics.

Option 1

Go to Patient Filters.

Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 4.58.59 PM.png

In the patient filters menu, the custom demographics are located on the right side of the menu.


Select the filters you would like to generate a report on and click Close. Select Update Filter once complete.

Option 2

Go to Export to File > Custom Export

Screenshot 2024-06-11 at 5.01.35 PM.png

The custom demographics are on the right. Select the demographics for the report and any other filters. Click Export when complete. The report will generate in the message center.
