How to Use the Medication History Feature

The medication history feature pulls in your patient's medication history available in Surescripts. The medication history feature allows you to get accurate prescription information without having to enter the medication information manually. Surescripts' medication history pulls 12 months of historical prescription data for the patient. Once the medication sync is complete, you can merge the medications to the patient's medication list in their chart. After you have merged the medications, they are a permanent part of the patient's medication list.

Here is how to use our medication history feature:

1. From a patient's chart, navigate to the demographics section on the left and then the Important tab.

2. Scroll down to Medication History Consent, change to Yes, and then Save Demographics.

3. From the Medication List, click the green button that says Update medication history.

4. The prescription will appear in the table. You can click on a medication to see more information. Please note, medications can take up to 24 hours to populate and the history only includes medication history available through Surescripts. Once the information has synced, you can Merge the medications you need to the patient's list.

