The second tab listed under the Aging AR Analysis report is the Details tab. Here is where you can see the drilled-down details that match the parameters you set on the summary tab.
- To access the Aging AR Analysis report, navigate to Billing > Aging AR Analysis.
- The report will allow you to click on a value in the report and have the option to be taken to the Live Clims Feed or the Patient's Demographic section to take action or view information and then return to your report.
3. If you want to hide the rows of Controls, you can do so by clicking on the row itself (gray row) or by clicking directly on the up arrow on the right side of the screen.

The details tab will show the details for the appointments that meet your parameters. There are many columns, so scroll to the right to see them.
All patient data listed in this article is sample data. This is not a real person or real patient data.
Each of the columns has additional sort/freeze options. To see them, click on the column header name. For example, if you click on Office Name, you will see the following options:
At the top of the report, you will see these options on the right. They will allow you to maximize your screen, sort the report on screen, and export the report in either CSV or Excel format. The exported report can be retrieved from your message center.
Clicking within the report in any cell will give you the option to go to the appointment in the Live Claims Feed or take you to the Patient Profile. Each will open in a separate tab, without disturbing your report. Once you take the action you need from the Live Claims Feed or the Patient Profile, you can return to your report.
You will also be able to see the freshness of the data in the top left corner of your report.