Importing your Contact Lists

If you're on our paid plan, you can submit a support ticket.

If you're still in implementation, be sure to check with your implementation specialist.

You can use a basic CSV (comma-separated value) file with referral contact information. See the attached template.

There must be a header row that defines what data is in each column. The required fields are in bold.

Sample Columns - You can list whatever information you would like as long as each column has a header describing the information in that column. The only two required fields are First Name and Last Name. The others listed are suggestions.

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address
  • City
  • Direct Address
  • Email
  • Fax Number
  • Middle Name
  • NPI
  • Organization Name
  • Phone Number
  • Provider Number
  • Salutation
  • Specialty
  • State
  • Suffix
  • Zip Code
  • Full Name

  • Fax Number