Searching for Your Patient's Pharmacy

The pharmacy search within DrChrono is powered by Surescripts, a service that connects U.S. pharmacies and provides electronic prescription transmission capabilities. In order to search for a pharmacy within the DrChrono platform, the pharmacy must be connected via Surescripts.

Occasionally, a patient will use a pharmacy that is either not connected via Surescripts or does not support electronic prescriptions. If you have followed the steps within this guide and cannot find your patient's preferred pharmacy, please reach out to the support team and provide us with the name of the pharmacy, and the full street address (street number, street name, city, state, and postal code).

Searching for a Pharmacy

To begin searching for pharmacies, navigate to the new prescription page in Patient Chart. Go to the left-hand navigation bar and select Send eRx. At the new prescription page, navigate to the bottom of the page to the select pharmacy section.

1. Select Mail Order or Retail. Retail will be selected by default. If the patient has a default pharmacy in their chart, it will appear below the pharmacy search area.


2. There are multiple ways to search for a pharmacy.

Note: Searches are limited to 20 results.
  • You can search by proximity to the patient based on the patient's address in their chart.

Pharmacy_Search_Proximity.png You can search by City


You can also search by state.


Or a combination of city and state.


You can also search by zip code.


Additionally, you can search by combinations. For example, pharmacy name and zip code or pharmacy and city. Pharmacy_Search_Name_and_Zip.png


When you find the pharmacy, you can select it for a prescription, save it to your favorites, or set as patient default.

Mail Order Pharmacy Search

Select the Mail Order option. If you have any mail-order pharmacies saved in your favorites, they will appear first in the list when you search without entering any information.


Similar to searching for retail pharmacies, you can use the same search features like city, state, zip code, name, or NCPDP ID.


When you find the pharmacy, you can select it for a prescription, save it to your favorites, or set it as the patient's default pharmacy.

You can use Other to search for pharmacies that have other designations like 24 Hours, Long Term Care, Specialty, or In-House Dispensing.
