How to change my DrChrono login password?


DrChrono offers two ways to change your login password.

  • Logged Out/Locked Out Users: If you are locked out of your account and need to reset your password, please see our guide here: Forgotten Password: How do I reset my password?
  • Logged-In Users: Change your password in your account settings

This guide covers the process of changing your password while logged in to DrChrono. Users can change their password without the need to receive a password reset email.

To do this, access the change password setting in your accounts settings.

1. Open your account settings Account > Provider Settings

Account > Provider Settings.png

2. In the Profile tab of your account settings, click on the Change Password button.


3. Enter your old password and type in a new one. Then, confirm the password by typing your new password again in the Confirm Password field. Finally, click Change My Password, and your password will be changed. To learn more about DrChrono's password requirements, please check out the article What are DrChrono's password requirements?.