How to Add Medications to the Medication List

The medication list keeps track of all your patient's medications and also serves as a rapid way to auto-populate fields while sending an eRx. Medications are stored in your patient's medication list. When you prescribe new drugs, DrChrono will automatically search for any potential interactions between your new prescription and drugs on the medication list.

To manage your medication list, begin by first going to a patient's chart and selecting Medication List on the left-hand navigation bar.

To add a medication click the +Add Medication button.

Enter the medication's details.

  • Drug Name: Name of the medication.
  • PRN: Latin pro re nata, meaning as necessary.
  • Sig Note: Type in your medication label instructions here.
  • Indication: Reason to use medication.
  • Status: Active or Inactive medication.
  • Appointment: Here you can associate an appointment with the medication.
  • Datetime Prescribed: When the medication was prescribed.
  • Datetime Started Taking: When the patient began taking the medication.
  • Datetime Stopped Taking: When the patient stopped taking the medication.
  • Dispense Quantity: Default quantity of medication to dispense.
  • Dispense Package: The type of package the medication is given in.
  • Number Refills: Default refills of the medication.
  • Days Supply: number of days prescription is intended to last.
  • DAW: Dispense as Written.
  • Pharmacy Note: A note given to the pharmacy.
  • Notes: Any other notes you would like to write.
  • Order Type: What status the medication is currently in. The options are as follows:
    • Ordered
    • Administered during visit
    • Electronic eRx sent
    • Phoned into pharmacy
    • Faxed to pharmacy
    • Paper Rx
    • Prescription Printed
    • Discontinued
    • Prescribed by other doctor
    • Over the counter

When you are done filling out the form, hit Save and your medication will be added to your patient's medication list.