Change Healthcare CyberSecurity Issue - Resolution

We wanted to provide you with an update regarding our Everhealth clearinghouse partner, eProvider Solutions (ePS). They have informed us that they are closely monitoring Change Healthcare’s (CHC) ongoing efforts to restore connections with payers for claims and Electronic Remittance Advice (ERAs) that were exclusively connected to CHC.


We're pleased to report that ePS has successfully reconnected 99% of the impacted payers for claims, with only 1% remaining. They are working diligently to restore all impacted ERAs as well.

For the latest updates, please visit our Knowledge Center: ePS Updated Payer Routes.


CHC data review is in its late stages as explained on

Change Healthcare has begun mailing written notices via U.S. mail to affected people identified in the ongoing data review for whom Change Healthcare has a sufficient address. Please note, that Change Healthcare may not have sufficient addresses for all affected individuals. The mailing process began on July 29 and will continue on a rolling basis.


As CHC continues to work with industry experts to analyze the data involved in this cyberattack, they are offering immediate support and enhanced protection. For more information and resources, visit the CHC dedicated website: CHC Health Data Breach Information.



Thank you for your continued partnership and cooperation during these challenging times.