You can import a C-CDA to a patient's chart. Once uploaded, you can then reconcile their medications, problems, and allergies.
In this article, we will look at adding information for existing patients and new patients.
Existing Patients
You can upload a new C-CDA file to a patient's chart in 2 places in their chart and in your accounts patient list.
1. Go to Patients > Patient List and select Update Patient (via C-CDA XML).
Go to the patient's chart and select the Clinical Dashboard.
2. If in the chart, scroll down the Import Structured Clinical Record section. Click Choose File and select the file you would like to import. Click Preview File to continue.
3. You can select an appointment, add a date and description, and preview the data. If the patient is a new patient to the practice or has transitioned from a different clinical care setting through a referral; you can indicate the same by linking the C-CDA with the appointment.
To be able to select an appointment date, the Transition of Care or Referral checkbox in the appointment window must be checked and saved with the appointment.
Selecting Finalize File will import the file and you can reconcile the data later here. You can also reconcile the data now by clicking Finalize & Start Reconciliation. We will look at finalizing and reconciling the data in this article.
You can then reconcile the problems individually by checking the box () next to the problem or you can select all of the problems by checking the box at the top of the column. At any point, you can select Back to Clinical Dashboard to return to the patient's clinical dashboard. Click Confirm to import the selected problems. Clicking Preview Finalized Problems allows you to see a complete list of the patient's problems with both previous and newly added problems.
On the Preview page, you can see the finalized problem list. You can always click Go Back to return and add or remove problems. If it is satisfactory, click Confirm.
Once complete, you will see a success message in the top right-hand corner. You will also see who added the problems to the patient's list in the Edited by column.
To complete the complete reconciliation, you will need to follow the same process for allergies and medications.
If you need to return to the reconciliation later, you can exit the process. Just return to the Clinical Dashboard and select Continue Reconciliation.

Once the problems, medications, and allergies have all been finalized, you're all set.
New Patients
You can create a new patient in your DrChrono account. Go to Patients > Patient List.
Navigate to the Clinical Dashboard in the patient's chart.
Scroll to Import Patient C-CDA XML.
Select a file and click Preview.
Next, select Finalize & Start Reconciliation. The patient's chart will be created with the information in the C-CDA.