Adding an Image with a Free Draw Field

Adding Images to Clinical Notes on the EHR/EMR App

With DrChrono you can use your mobile device as an extension of your EHR. When using a mobile device, you gain the following capabilities with images:

  • Take a photo or upload any image stored locally or on your EHR
  • Draw and annotate directly on the image, using the pen, highlighter, and text tools
  • Insert the image directly into your clinical notes
  • Share the image with your patient
  • Fax your images

To download the EHR/EMR app, you may find the download link for your mobile device here.

To begin, you will need to insert a Free Draw field into a form under (Clinical > Form Builder). Select the template you wish to add your image to and click Free Draw under Form Tools and click where you would like the field to go. You can upload an image in the field or use it to take a picture.

Click Save to save and update your form.


Note: Freedraw fields will only appear on a clinical note if they are interacted with through the DrChrono EHR app on iPad or iPhone. This includes any images you upload to the field in the form builder. Video files cannot be used with Freedraw fields.

After you hit save, start a visit using your EHR/EMR app on your mobile device.


Navigate to the form that you have Free Draw inserted. If the form is a custom form, it will be found under the Additional tab on your left-hand navigation bar. Once you've selected the correct form, tap on the Free Draw button.


When you open the Free Draw field, if you have an image uploaded, the image will load for you to use the drawing tools at the bottom of the screen to document on the image.


You can also tap on the (_Icon_EHR_App.png) icon in the lower right to access the camera, history and library.


  • Camera: take a photo using your device's camera
  • Library: browse and select from your locally stored images on your iPad
  • History: browse and select from your EHR's patient documents

When finished, tap Save in the top right corner.


The pallet icon will turn green (Free_Draw_Icon_Green.png ) when you have saved the Free Draw. To view the content of your Free Draw field, tap View Complete Note.

