How do I create a clinical note on the iPhone?

You can easily create a clinical note for an appointment with the EHR app. To do so, first access the appointment you wish to create a note for by selecting Appointments and tapping the appointment.


Tap Start Visit.


Select the clinical form you would like to use to start your note from the H&P or Additional tabs. You can also select from templates you have saved as favorites. The order and content of these templates can be customized through the web version of your DrChrono EHR.


Fill out each individual template with your appointment information through the various text, switch, toggle, and selection fields your templates have to begin auto-populating your complete note with your visit details. Tap the Back button to access another template.


If you would like to change the view from two columns to one, tap the menu (iPhone_Menu_Icon_2.png) icon and turn on the Single Column Layout switch.


Tapping Section Note will open the yellow notepad for any additional documentation. You can free type, and use speech-to-text or macros to enter text. A checkmark will appear next to the Section Note box after it has been filled out.


To enter billing information, go to the H&P/SOAP tab, select Billing at the bottom, and enter the necessary codes.


To sign your note, select View Complete Note. Tap Sign & Lock. Your electronic signature will appear on the bottom of the rendered note.
