Archiving and Changing Offices

Practice groups change over time, and when they do, changes need to be made in order to keep your EHR updated. For example, you are moving locations. If a provider is removed from a practice group, their office will still remain. If you have any offices that are in a provider's name, you'll either need to change the provider and/or name of the office or archive the office.

Note: When an office is archived, the appointments attached to the office are also archived. If you archive an office and wish to keep the appointments, you'll need to transfer the appointments to a new office prior to archival. Archiving is not a permanent action and may be undone to retrieve archived appointments.

Archiving an Office

To archive an office, you'll need to access the Office Management page.

  • To begin, go to Account and select Offices.


  • You'll be presented with the 'Manage Offices' page. Here you will see a list of your active offices, their location, phone number, facility code, number of exam rooms, and their settings for online scheduling.


  • To the right of the office you wish to archive, there are four buttons: Share, View, Edit, and Archive. Select the Archive button and your office will be archived.

Your archived offices will then appear in the section below. You may select Unarchive to retrieve an office. Any existing appointments attached to an archived office will be unarchived when the office is retrieved.


Updating an Office

To update an office's name, provider, address, exam rooms, and operating hours, select the Edit button to the right of the office you would like to edit.

The 'Edit Office' form will open. Here you can edit any attributes of the office using the fields provided. Once you are done, select Save at the bottom of the screen, and your new updated office information will be saved to the DrChrono EHR.
