What do the lock and flag icons on my appointments mean?

The lock icon (Lock_Icon_Calendar_.png)on your appointments gives you a quick way to know if a clinical note has been locked without having to open the appointment to check. Once a note is locked, the icon will appear when viewing the schedule. For example, below we can see that notes for 3 of the appointments have been locked.


The flag icon (Flag_Icon_.png) lets you know that you have assigned a flag to this patient. For more information on assigning flags to patients, see our article here.


You can control whether or not the icons appear by going to Account > Provider Settings.

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.26.35 PM.png

Under the General tab, you check or uncheck the boxes to have the lock and/or flag icons appear.


Scroll down and click Update Entire Profile to save your settings.
