Inline Workflow on DrChrono's EHR App

Inline workflow on DrChrono's EHR App for the iPad changes single and multiple select fields into inline selection items. It is easy to set up and makes charting on the iPad even easier.

Before Inline Workflow After Inline Workflow

Inline_WorkFlow_Before.PNG Inline_WorkFlow_After.PNG

Setting Up Inline Workflow

1. Select an appointment and tap Start Visit.


2. Tap the ( IPad_Menu_Icon.png) menu icon and activate the Inline Workflow switch.


3. After activating Inline Workflow, single and multiple select fields will no longer appear as dropdown menus. The options will render as items in a line that you can select from.


4. Simply tap on the desired menu items to add them to your note.


5. To deactivate Inline Workflow, go to the menu (IPad_Menu_Icon.png) and tap on the switch.
