What is an NDC and Why Do I Need To Include It?

NDC is an industry acronym that stands for National Drug Code. It is a unique 10-digit code that is universal for human drugs in the United States and is present on all drug packages in the United States. Payers require this information on claims when processing them for payment.


  1. The first set of numbers in the NDC identifies the labeler, such as the drug manufacturer, repackager, or distributor. 
  2. The second set of numbers is the product code, which identifies the specific strength, dosage form (i.e., capsule, tablet, liquid), and formulation of a drug for a specific labeler.
  3. Finally, the third set is the package code, which identifies package sizes and types.

(Source: https://www.drugs.com/ndc.html)

In DrChrono, you can add the NDC to each HCPCS code listed in your fee schedule which will populate on the claim automatically.

** Please Note: If there is a change in the NDC code, whether it is a change in manufacturer, dosage, form, etc, the NDC will need to be updated in the fee schedule to represent and report the correct medication/dosage given.

  1. To add to your fee schedule, navigate to Billing > Fee Schedule.
  2.  Select Add New to add a new HCPCS and NDC to the fee schedule, or if it already exists, press the pencil icon on the right.  It will open this screen:

The NDC code, quantity, and units can be entered for the HCPCS code. It will then populate on the claim each time it is added to an appointment. ** It will need to be updated if something changes with the manufacturer/dosage/etc that would change the NDC. **

NDC codes can also be entered from the appointment screen:

Or the Live Claims Feed: (Billing > Live Claims Feed)