What is a DrChrono API application?

DrChrono Restful APIs allow your practice to connect to other services and leverage your data.

In this article, we will go over creating an API application and more.

Creating an API Application

Sign in to your DrChrono account and navigate to Account > API. Create a new application by selecting "New Application".

(To note, the staff permission "Settings" will need to be enabled to access the API Page)

This is what you will see from the initial setup:

Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 5.03.36 PM.png

You can use any name to name your app, but we recommend naming the app that will closely serve its purpose. The second requirement to complete the application progress is adding a redirect URI that you know is secure. Once you input those two values, please select "Save Changes"

There you have it! You created your first API app and now the Client ID and Client Secret are valid to use.

Additional Context

Let's explore the different fields and sections of your API app.

Screenshot 2024-03-29 at 5.10.14 PM.png

From the image above, you will see that this is your typical API application. Let's start with the Iframe section. There are two areas an iframe can live; the patient chart and the clinical notes. Think of this as a landing page for your website. If you like to learn more about our iframe please follow the below link:

iframe Documentation

iframe Documentation 2

The last section of the API app is our webhooks. As shown above, we provide a range of events that you can subscribe to.

A webhook is a way for one application to automatically send data to another application or service when specific events occur, enabling real-time updates and automation without manual intervention. It acts like a trigger that initiates actions in response to events, facilitating seamless integration between different systems.

To learn more about our webhooks please follow the link below.

Webhook Documentation

Rate Limit

An API app has a default rate limit of 500 calls per hour. This rate resets at the top of the hour. If your account has multiple applications, the rate limit will be based on an individual level. This means app A will not use up app B's rate.

If you believe that you need to increase the rate limit please email api@drchrono.com and provide the following information.

  1. The name of your API application
  2. Context regarding your API calls/methods
  3. Expected API usage