Joining a Video Visit for the Patient

DrChrono offers various ways for patients to join telehealth visits. They can join by clicking on the link that is sent via email or text when a telehealth visit is scheduled or through their OnPatient account.

Joining via emailed Link

1. Your patient can join a telehealth appointment by clicking on the link that is emailed to them. Click on the Meeting Link or Start Video Visit.


Note: If the patient is already connected to OnPatient, they will be prompted to log in to the patient portal after clicking on the link.

2. Once the video visit is launched, they will need to allow access to your camera and microphone by clicking Allow.


3. After the microphone and camera have been given access, click the Join Video Call.


4. After joining the call, the provider's name and the appointment date and time will be at the top. There will be a message that says Waiting for doctor to join if the provider has not yet joined.


5. Consent forms can be signed by clicking on the Read & Sign.

6. Sign using the mouse and click Save Signature.


7. The patient can view, download, or print the consent forms signed by clicking View.


8. The provider will show in the main section of the screen and the patient's camera screen will show in the top left after the provider has joined.


9. Once your video visit is complete, click on the (Telehealth_End_Icon.png) icon.

Joining via Text

If your office is sending text reminders, the patient can click on the link to launch your device's browser and then follow the steps listed above. If the patient is already connected to OnPatient, they will be prompted to log in to their patient portal after clicking on the link.


Joining via OnPatient

If the patient has connected to their provider through OnPatient or if they are prompted to log in to the portal after clicking the link, they can join your video visit through the portal.

Once the appointment is scheduled, they will need to log in to OnPatient, find the appointment, and click Start Video Visit.


Once the video visit has launched, follow the steps outlined above.