Setting your Exam Room Calendar Increments

With the exam room calendar increments, you can adjust the minute increments that appear on your calendar.

In the example below, the increments are set at 10 minutes. If we wanted to schedule an appointment between 8:00 and 9:00, the increments would be

  • 8:00
  • 8:10
  • 8:20
  • 8:30
  • 8:40
  • 8:50

Exam Room Increments 10 Minutes.png

To set the increments, go to Account > Provider Settings and select the General tab.

Select the dropdown next to Exam Room Calendar Increments. You can select from 5 to 60 minutes depending on what type of appointments best fit your office schedule.

Settings Exam Room Increments.png

Scroll down and select Update Entire Profile to save the increment settings.


After saving, your calendar will reflect the increments you set. If you need to adjust the increments in the future, follow the steps above.

Exam Room Increments Example 15 Minutes.png