FAQ: DrChrono Lab Integrations, Health Gorilla, Labcorp, Quest Diagnostics, and Lifepoint

Q: What labs can I use with DrChrono?

A: DrChrono EHR integrates with four third-party organizations that you may use for your labs: Labcorp, Quest Diagnostics, Lifepoint, and Health Gorilla. Labcorp and Quest Diagnostics directly provide clinical laboratory services while Health Gorilla and Lifepoint integrate with a nationwide network of labs. To find more information on our laboratory integrations, view our guide here.

Q: Do you have my local lab, how can I check?

A: We currently support 9,000+ diagnostic labs and 35,000+ radiology centers through our partnership with Health Gorilla’s Secure Clinical Network.

Lifepoint has over 350 direct connections with various labs, Radiology, and other diagnostic facilities across the United States. We have the capability of connecting with any Lab, Radiology, and other diagnostic facilities.

For further information, email sales@drchrono.com or call (844)569-8628.

Q: How do I send lab orders from DrChrono using a third-party integration?

A: From your DrChrono homepage, go to your patient list, select the patient chart, and at the bottom left you will find a third-party App. From there, you can place a new lab order and view the results for your patient. Visit our marketplace to get started with Lifepoint or Health Gorilla.


Q: What is the process of adding my lab to the DrChrono network?

A: Please fill out our lab integration request form and a member of our team will reach out to you.
Q: Will I be able to see previous lab results or even results from tests I have not ordered?

A: Yes, you will avoid duplicate lab tests and have the information at your fingertips. If your patient has taken a lab test through Health Gorilla’s Secure Clinical Network, you will be able to see the results and timestamps within DrChrono’s platform.

Q: What is a bi-directional lab interface in an EHR?

A: A bidirectional laboratory interface allows the clinician to order a lab and receive the results directly within their electronic health record (EHR) platform.

Q: My lab only provides a unidirectional interface. Will you work with them?

A: Yes, through our lab vendor partners Health Gorilla and Lifepoint we are able to facilitate both unidirectional and bidirectional interfaces.

Q: My lab only has a fax machine. How do I send lab orders and receive lab results?

A: Your local lab keeps its workflow and continues using a fax line. Although we encourage labs to update their software, we understand the need for patient and practice convenience. Using Lifepoint or Health Gorilla you can directly send lab orders from the patient chart in DrChrono. The order is then converted into a fax and is received by the lab as a fax. When the lab results are ready, the lab faxes the results, and the fax is turned into a PDF that is automatically received in the DrChrono message center as an e-fax. The PDF will need to be manually associated with the patient that which the results belong and can then be found in the Documents section of the patient's chart.

Q: What is the structure of the data that you receive?

A: Most labs are able to integrate with Health Gorilla or Lifepoint which will then convert information into an HL7 format. Labcorp and Quest also communicate via HL7 with DrChrono. HL7 clinical data is structured data meaning the lab, Health Gorilla, Lifepoint, and DrChrono can communicate electronically to read the data in the file. The lab results will automatically associate with the patient that they belong to and can be found in the Lab Orders section of the patient chart. A notification is received in the Lab Results section of the message center.

If your lab only has a fax machine for sending results and is not able to send results electronically via HL7 structured data, Health Gorilla delivers the information as unstructured data (PDF) and only reads the metadata associated with the fax to route the information to your DrChrono message center as an e-fax. The PDF will need to be manually associated with the patient that which the results belong and can then be found in the Documents section of the patient's chart.

Q: Can I order Quest and Labcorp through Health Gorilla?

A: Electronic lab orders for Quest and Labcorp are not available through Health Gorilla. In order to place an electronic lab order to Quest or Labcorp, you will need to open an account with each of these labs (if you don’t already have one) and then connect that account to DrChrono. Please see our article for more information on setting up those direct accounts and integrating with DrChrono. In the event that Quest or Labcorp is temporarily unavailable in your account, you are able to order labs for Quest and Labcorp via e-fax as long as you have provided your account numbers to Health Gorilla.