How can I enter in an official practice name and have that reflected in my clinical notes, superbills, and patient statements?

1. To enter your official practice name, navigate to Account > Provider Settings.

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2. Select the Medical Billing tab. In the third field, titled Practice Official Name, enter in your desired name.


3. While you are here if you would like to include your practice name on Patient Statements, scroll down to the Patient Statements section and check the box next to Use Office Name.


4. Scroll down and click Update Entire Profile to save your changes.


5. Next, move over to the General tab to make sure the official name is reflected in the Clinical Note.


6. Scroll down to the Clinical Notes section, and check the box next to Include Practice Official Name.


7. Make sure to click Update Entire Profile at the bottom of the page to save your profile.


8. When you open a clinical note and click Preview Note, the official practice name will appear in the header.


The practice name will also appear on your superbills and patient statements.

Super Bill Pratice Name Example.png

Patient Statement Practice Name Example.png