Using Custom Demographics to Record Attorney Information

You can use DrChrono's custom demographics feature to add fields to the patient's chart to document attorney information.

  • Go to Account > Custom Fields.

Custom Field.png

  • Select Patient Demographics from the menu on the left.


Click +Add New Field to create a field.


  • Enter a name and description of the demographic you would like to create. Add any additional information or field settings and Save.
    • The description could serve as instructions or a description of the field.
  • If you would like to pull information from this field into your clinical forms through the form builder, enter a Form Name in the field.
    • Select a Field Type.
  • If you would like to display this during Check-In through OnPatient or the iPad App, check the Show on OnPatient & DrChrono Check-In checkbox.
  • You can also make the field mandatory on OnPatient and Check-In by checking the Required on OnPatient & DrChrono Check-In.


Repeat for other fields, for example, Attorney's Phone Number and Address.


Once you have created the custom demographics fields, you can enter the information into the patient's chart.


Patients can also enter this information when checking in with OnPatient or the Check-In App.


If needed, you can run a report on custom demographics using the Advanced Report.
