Batch Ordering Schedule II Controlled Substances

If you need to order a schedule II controlled substance medication for a 90-day supply, for example for patients who maintain the same prescription, you can do so using the Batch button when sending a prescription from a patient's chart. This will create 2 additional medication orders with effective dates 30 days apart.

1. Go to a patient's chart and select Send eRx.


When you enter and select a Schedule II controlled substance in the medication field a Batch button will appear. Enter a Days Supply and click Batch. The total days supply for the batch cannot exceed 90 days and cannot have Refills > 0.


When you click the Batch button, 2 more copies of the medication will appear each with effective dates 30 days apart.


In the example below, the medications have effective dates of 6/10/2022, 7/10/2022, and 8/09/2022.


Scroll down click Preview Prescription and send the medication as you would another controlled substance.


If your Days Supply total exceeds 90 days, you will receive an error message.


Batch Ordering Schedule II Controlled Substances on the iPad