
In DrChrono, the denominator is the total number of prescriptions you have generated (printed or sent electronically ). The numerator is the number of prescriptions you have sent electronically from DrChrono with the Send Prescription button.


In the MIPS Dashboard in DrChrono, there are 2 options for reporting: e-Prescribing and e-Prescribing Including Controlled Prescriptions. You are able to utilize the data from one of the options for the reporting period.

Please note you will need to set up the prescribers associated with your offices. See our article here for more information.

As electronic prescribing of controlled substances is possible, MIPS-eligible clinicians may choose to include these prescriptions in their permissible prescriptions where feasible and allowable by state and local law. If a MIPS-eligible clinician chooses to include such prescriptions, he or she must do so uniformly across all patients and across all allowable schedules for the duration of the performance period. See attached document for more information.



At least one permissible prescription written by the MIPS-eligible clinician is queried for a drug formulary and transmitted electronically using certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT).

Numerator - The number of prescriptions in the denominator generated, queried for a drug formulary, and transmitted electronically using CEHRT.

Denominator - The number of prescriptions written for drugs requiring a prescription in order to be dispensed other than controlled substances during the performance period; or the number of prescriptions written for drugs requiring a prescription in order to be dispensed during the performance period.

Exclusions - Any MIPS-eligible clinician who writes fewer than 100 permissible prescriptions during the performance period.

Definition of Terms & Additional Information

Prescription – The authorization by a MIPS-eligible clinician to a pharmacist to dispense a drug that the pharmacist would not dispense to the patient without such authorization.

Permissible Prescriptions – All drugs meeting the current definition of a prescription as the authorization by a clinician to dispense a drug that would not be dispensed without such authorization and may include electronic prescriptions of controlled substances where creation of an electronic prescription for the medication is feasible using CEHRT and where allowable by state and local law.

Enter your data from DrChrono into the designated fields in your Healthmonix account or select the exclusion and Save.
