Exporting Your Audit Logs

Your audit logs are a powerful way to track all the patient activity within your account. It can be used to track your patients' changes, view staff activity, and troubleshoot problems.

The logs can be exported to a CSV file that can be viewed in most spreadsheet software programs such as Microsoft Excel. To access your audit log, mouse over the Clinical tab on your navigation bar and select Audit Log.


After selecting Audit Log, you'll be presented with the 'Audit Log Report' page. Here you'll be able to view all of the logs regarding your patients.


To export your logs, select Export to File toward the top of the page, near your filters.

As a confirmation, you'll receive the following notification:

To view your exported audit log, go to your message center from the navigation bar.

Select the audit log from your message center.

When you select the audit log, you'll be presented with a preview of your audit log CSV. Here you can download the audit log CSV by selecting the Download Document button. After selecting the Download Document button, the audit log will be downloaded to your browser's default download location. You may open this CSV file with any spreadsheet editor such as Microsoft Excel.