HCFA 1500 Box 12 - How does signature on file get added to a professional claim form?

The signature on file, box 12 on the HCFA-1500 form, is populated from the patient chart in two ways: manually or through signing a consent form.

The signature on file can be found in the patient's chart by selecting the Demographics section on the left and the Demographics tab and scrolling down to the Miscellaneous area.



If a patient has signed a consent form, a provider or staff member can pull up the patient's chart select Consent On File from the menu, and Save Demographics.

Signing a Consent Form

Patients can sign consent forms through the check-in app or in the OnPatient portal. When a patient signs the HIPAA Data Use Agreement, which is included by default in all DrChrono accounts under Patients > Consent Forms, during the check-in process, the Consent On File selection will automatically save in the patient's chart and populate the HCFA-1500 form.

Below is an example of signing the consent forms on the check-in app.
