How can I view messages I previously sent to my patients?

If you have been communicating with your patient through the OnPatient portal, you can view the list of messages you have sent in DrChrono.

You can see the messages you have sent in the Message Center or in the patient's chart.

Message Center

1. Click on the (Screen_Shot_2020-07-24_at_9.58.10_AM.png)icon next to the Search field.


2. On the left-hand navigation of your message center, select the Sent Message tab under the OnPatient section to view your sent messages.


3. Here, you'll be able to view all the messages you have sent to your patients via OnPatient. In the search box in the upper right-hand corner, you'll be able to search for your messages by keyword or patient name. Click on the message to view its contents.

Patient Chart

You can also view the messages you have sent a patient in their chart.

1. To find the patient, go to Patients > Patient List or enter the patient's name or chart ID in the Search field.


2. Once in the chart click on the Communication option on the left. It will default to the Messages tab. Click on a message to view its contents.
