Adding an Attachment from an OnPatient Message

Through OnPatient's messaging feature patients can not only communicate with their providers, but they can also send files as attachments that can be added to a patient's chart under documents.

Before patients can send you messages, you must allow patients to do so.

  • Go to Account > OnPatient Settings and select the Communication tab. Check the box to allow patients to send messages and update the settings to save.


1. After logging in to OnPatient, select Messages and click Send Message.


2. Next, enter a subject and message. 1 file can be attached per message by dragging and dropping it to the attachment section or clicking in the section to select the file from your computer. Click Send Message when finished.


3. The message will be in your message center (Message_Center_Icon.png).


4. Click on the message to open it.


5. Click Save Attachment to Chart.


6. Enter a description and any tags. Click Save to Patient Chart.


7. The attachment can be found in the Documents section of the chart.
