Prescription profiles allow you to populate the prescription page with 2 or more medications from your favorite medications list. To be able to use the Rx profiles, you must have some prescriptions saved to your favorites. For more information on setting up favorite prescriptions, see our article here.
1. To create an Rx profile, go to Account > eRx Settings.
2. Select the Rx Profiles tab. Here you can manage all of your prescription profiles. To add a new profile click the green () button.
3. A window will open up with all of your favorite prescriptions. Name your profile. Click Yes () next to the medications you would like to add to the profile and Save.
4. If you need to edit the profile select the pencil icon (). Click the (
) to remove the profile from your list.
5. To use the profiles when sending a prescription, click the () and select the profile you would like to use. Then send the prescription as you normally would.