UB04 Box 6 - Start/End Care Dates on an institutional claim

When billing institutional care, the start/end dates of care included on that billing statement must appear in box 6 of the UB04 claim form.

In DrChrono, it is easy to enter/update this information from within the patient claim in the Live Claims Feed or the appointment window from the patient's chart.

Though the Live Claims Feed

  1. Navigate to Billing > Live Claims Feed > inside the patient encounter

  2. The "Stm Cover Period" listed in the right column under the Info tab will populate via information included in the charges section.
    1. As Revenue codes/charges are posted, the system will capture the "from" (required box below) and "to" (optional box below) and will add them as "from/to" dates in the Stm Cover Period in box 6.

Appointment Window in the Patient's Chart

  1. Navigate to the patient's appointment either through the calendar or patient list > Billing Tab > Right side of the screen