Sharing Templates with Other DrChrono Users

Templates/Forms can be shared with other DrChrono users outside of your practice group, other providers, and colleagues.

1. To share a template, go to Clinical > Form Builder


2. Select the form you would like to share. After choosing the form to share, there will be a menu of sharing options below the form.


3. You can share the selected template with the Form Library by clicking on Library. You will be prompted to enter any notes about the template if you would like. Once you are ready click Share to Library.


You can also share your selected form via email by clicking on the Email under the share menu. Enter the email address of the recipient. You also have the option to Restrict editing and Restrict sharing, if you would like, by checking the boxes; however, it is not required. Once you are ready, click Share to Email.


They will be sent an email with a link that will prompt them to copy the template.


Once the link is clicked, a new tab will open that prompts the recipient to bring the form into their account. Clicking Accept will add the form to their account.


The recipient will receive a message that the form has been added to their account.


4. You can also share templates via Facebook or Twitter. You will be taken to the respective pages after clicking the buttons.