How do I add a date range to my appointment templates?

Appointment Templates are associated with Appointment Profiles to establish an office, exam room, weekday, and duration parameters for the templates you set up on your schedule. Date ranges can be added to your appointment templates to account for availability changes. These changes may include:

  • Availability changes that vary by weekday
  • Availability changes based on seasonality

To add date ranges to your appointment templates, you will need to enable the Date Range on the Appointment Template setting within your account settings. To begin, mouse over Account and select Provider Settings.

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Select the General tab and check the Date Range on Appointment Template box in your account settings. When this is complete, click Update Entire Profile at the bottom of the page.


When you enable the 'Date Range on Appointment Templates' setting, your appointment templates will now have fields to set a start and end date. These dates will be cross-referenced with your other appointment templates and will disable the 'Create' button if a conflict is found.