Form Builder

Everything related to building clinical forms in DrChrono.


Best Practices for Building Custom Forms
Best practices to build a custom form to achieve clinical note optimization.
Form Builder Overview
Before building your form, we recommend reviewing Best Practices for Building Custom Forms designed to help you make the most of the clinical notes feature. DrChrono's Form Builder allows you to create and customize your clinical templates...
How do I use Switches as Smart Fields?
Smart fields are revealed when a switch is toggled to the ON position.  A smart field aims to minimize clutter in your templates and easily trigger a natural procession of follow-up questions. Only Switches can made into smart fields.             ...
What is the difference between New Section and SOAP section fields?
How to understand the difference between the New Section and SOAP section fields
Form Tools: New Fields Explained
Before building your form, we recommend reviewing  Best Practices for Building Custom Forms  to help users maximize the utilization of the clinical notes feature. DrChrono's Form Tools consist of different types of fields that allow you to bu...
Excluding Forms from the Clinical Note
Through DrChrono's Form Builder settings, you can exclude a form or multiple forms from your complete note. Excluding templates from the complete note allows you to still complete forms during a clinical visit, but the information you document wi...
Adding Clinical Codes to Forms
How to add clinical codes to a form
Setting a Workflow Form
How to set a workflow form.
Making a Form Persistent
How to make a form persistent.
How to Build OnPatient Forms
How to Build OnPatient Forms
Can I make the yellow notepad persistent when charting?
How can I make the yellow notepad persistent when charting?
Setting a Form as a Default Template
How to set a form as a default template.
Recovering Archived Clinical Forms
How to recover archived clinical forms.
How do I create clinical forms?
How do I create clinical forms?
Form Builder: How do I customize form fields?
How do I customize form fields? How do I customize form fields?
Why do I have to lock clinical notes when I archive/delete a field or form?
Why do I have to lock clinical notes when I archive/delete a field or form?
Getting Started with the Form Builder
How to build a form.
Editing the Preset Clinical Forms
How to edit the preset clinical forms .
Where do I need {{value}} when I am building a form?
How to add a value in the form field.
How do I use reference fields in the Form Builder?
How do I use reference fields in the Form Builder?
Making Form Fields Required
How to make form fields required.
How to use the free draw feature
How to use the free draw feature