Archiving Signed Consent Forms

You may need to archive a signed consent form for a patient if it was incorrectly signed or accidentally duplicated. You can do so with the archive consent forms feature.

To begin, ensure the permission is enabled.

  • Go to Account > Staff Permissions.

staff permissions.png

  • Click View next to the staff member or provider who needs the permission enabled.


  • Click Edit Permissions. Check the box next to the Archive Signed Consent Forms permission and Save Permissions.


  • To archive a consent form, go to the patient's chart and navigate to the Documents section. Select the Signed Consent Forms tab. Find the signed consent form you need to archive and click Archive Consent Form.


  • If needed, enter a reason. Click Archive Consent From to continue.


  • You will see a message that the form has been archived. Click the X to close.


The archived consent form will appear in the Archived Signed Consent Forms section.


If you need to unarchive a signed consent form, click the Unarchive Consent Form button.


Enter a reason, if needed. Click Unarchive Consent Form to continue.


You will see a message that the form has been unarchived. Click the X to close.


All of the activities will be tracked in the Audit Log (Clinical > Audit Log).
