You can generate a report from the Remittance Report and use it to validate your bank statement to ensure that you have received all deposits and/or checks that match with ERAs and EOBs posted to your account.
- Navigate to Billing > Remittance Reports.
- You can search by ERA & EOB, ERA or EOB, Trace#, Date Range, Patient name/Chart ID, or Insurance name/Payer ID.
- This will list all the ERA/EOB received from insurance payers. You have the option to print and export to an MS Excel spreadsheet also, to verify that you received the funds listed under the Paid column as either a paper check or electronic funds transfer (EFT) to your bank account.
ERAs (or 835 files) are uploaded as they are received throughout the day from the clearinghouse. What is listed in the morning could look different than what it looks like at the mid-point of your day and different from what it might look like at the end of the day. The most current ERA will always be listed on top.
Also, note that receiving the ERA a day or two before receiving the physical check or EFT deposit is not unusual. The dates listed under Check Date and Posted Date will help you identify those in transit payments.
You can add a deposit date for each remittance report by clicking on the pencil icon on the row for the payment.
An Edit EOB/ERA window will open from there that allows you to add the deposit date.