Downloading Patient Documents

If you need to export/download a patient's documents, you can do so from their chart.

  • Go to a patient's chart and select Documents from the menu on the left.


  • Scroll down to the Uploaded Documents section. Click on the Description to view the document. Depending on your browser and computer, the document will open in another window or tab.


  • PDF documents can be downloaded by clicking on the arrow icon (Screen_Shot_2022-07-19_at_11.57.02_AM.png).


  • You will then need to name and save the document to your device.


  • For images, like clinical photos taken with the iPad, need to be right-clicked and saved.


  • Name and save the file depending on your browser and computer settings.


  • If you need to download Locked Clinical Notes, Signed Consent Forms, Outbound Referrals, Lab Results, or Amendments, click on the tab, view the document, and download.
