DrChrono Payments: Processing a payment from the patient demographics

DrChrono has added additional functionality to the onpatient Payments tab under the patient demographic section. The section will now allow you to process patient payments via DrChrono Payments from the tab, as well as store credit card information without processing a payment.

  1. While in a patient's chart, navigate to the demographics section and select the onpatient Payments tab.

There are 3 main sections on this page:

Balance- This is where you can process a payment.

Saved Cards- This is where you can save card information without processing a charge as well as setting a default card if there is more than one card saved.

Transaction History- Will document payments processed on the account.

Processing a payment

  1. Under the Balance tab, click on the green Process Payment tab.

A Charge Credit Card tab will open. This is where you will select the card to charge, the amount of the charge, select an appointment to apply the payment, and a section to add additional notes if needed.

         2. Once the information is entered, click on the green Process Payment.