Patient Payment Plans: Skipping a payment

If your patient is on a monthly payment plan and needs to skip a payment, DrChrono makes it easy to document while keeping the integrity of the payment plan.  If your office approves the skipped monthly payment, 1 click within the patient's chart will move the payment to be skipped to the end of the payment period.

Here is how to do it:

  1. Access your patient's chart and click on the DrChrono Payments tab

  2. Scroll down to the listing of monthly payments under the header Patient Payment Plan and identify the monthly payment the patient is approved to skip.

  3. Follow the row of the payment to be skipped over to the right and find the button labeled Skip.

  4. Please make sure you are on the correct payment row to be skipped, and press the Skip button. This will move the payment to the end of the repayment period.
  5. The skipped payment's status will update to Skipped, and the Action section will gray out. The skipped payment will be added to the end of the repayment period.