Pre-populating Diagnosis Codes (ICD-10) from the Patient Problem List

The Patient Problem List can be used to automatically fill out the ICD-10 portion of an appointment.

By default, the setting to automatically pre-populate ICD-10 codes from the Patient Problem List is disabled.

To learn more about using the Patient Problem List, check out our guide here.


1. To enable the setting to automatically pre-populate ICD-10 codes from the Patient Problem List, mouse over Account on your navigation bar and select Provider Settings.

Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 12.26.35 PM.png

2. Once you reach the Account Settings page, select the Medical Billing tab.


3. Scroll down to the Miscellaneous section at the end of the page. Check the Auto Set Problems check box. Once the check box is selected, select the Update Entire Profile button to apply your settings.
