ePS - Reinitiating an enrollment request

If an enrollment request submitted to eProvider Solutions is returned for additional information or denied, you now have the option to update/correct the information and reinitiate the request, instead of submitting a brand-new request.

To reinitiate the request, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Billing > Enrollment
  2. Select the Manage Submitted tab

  3. Identify the enrollment that has been denied and needs to be initiated by reviewing the status column on the right side. 

  4.  Once identified, press on the corresponding blue ID number on the left of the same row.
  5. The next screen will show you the details for that enrollment.  It will also list the denial reason at the bottom. Correct/Add any necessary information and press Reinitiate.

This will resend the enrollment request to ePS and alert them that this is a resubmission of a previous request rather than a brand-new one.