Additional NPI and TIN for Billing
This is useful if you have two billing NPI and Tax ID (TID) numbers used for the same provider. This would be used, for example, if a provider is working for multiple businesses and needs to bill out appropriately so claims will go out with the correct NPI and Tax ID (TIN) number.
- Log into your DrChrono account
2. Select the Account tab and select Offices
3. Select Edit on the office you want to add the additional NPI and Tax ID number to
4. Select the Billing tab
Please note whenever an appointment is made in an office with billing information connected the claims will go out with the billing information associated with that office.
If you want to bill and have a claim go out for the NPI and Tax ID number associated with the provider you will have to create another office that does not have billing information added. When an appointment is made in this office it will default to the provider billing information under their account settings.