Release Notes for DrChrono Web 2024-07-25

What's new

Clinical and Regulatory

SummaryDescriptionKnowledge Base Article
Drug Database Migration - First Databank (FDB) and EPCS Controlled Substance Compound FeatureStarting July 25 through July 31, the new First Databank drug database and EPCS compound feature will be available to all remaining customers. Review the FAQ with your clinical staff to prepare for these updates.First Databank FAQ
Prescribing Compound Medications (Web)
Prescribing Compound Medications (Mobile)

Payments and RCM

SummaryDescriptionKnowledge Base Article
New York workers' compensation form C4.3
The New York workers' compensation form C4.3, has been updated to reflect the current form C4.3 (5.22).
New York Form C4.3 - Doctor's Report of MMI/Permanent Impairment
Accounts Receivable updates
The Accounts Receivable screen has been updated with the Aging A/R Analysis Report. The new report provides the same information and includes new filters for additional insights into your accounts receivable. Contact your account manager or support for early access to this new report.

Practice Management

SummaryDescriptionKnowledge Base Article
Updated OnPatient password requirementsThe minimum OnPatient password length is now 16 characters.
OnPatient Password Requirements
Training videos moved to the knowledge base
Training videos have been moved to Video Tutorials in the knowledge base. To open the Video Tutorials category, select Help > Training Videos.


Product AreaSummaryDescription
Clinical and Regulatory
Resending compound prescriptions
A fix has been implemented to load compound parts when resending a compound prescription. All compound prescriptions created after the July 24 release load the compound parts as part of a medication resend workflow.
Clinical and Regulatory
Clinical Form: Saving form data
A fix has been implemented so you can delete an option chosen for a multi-select field in a clinical form.
Clinical and Regulatory
Clinical Note Sign & Lock missing required fields error
A fix has been implemented to allow a clinical note to be locked without issues when the same form templates are shared with other users in the practice group. You are redirected to the corresponding form when you select the hyperlink in the missing required field pop-up.
Clinical and Regulatory
Clinical Form: Missing required fields error
A fix has been implemented so you can lock and sign a clinical note if required fields have a default value without issue.
Clinical and Regulatory
General reduction of errors/slowness for Clinical Notes
After 4:00 PM ET, you should see a reduction in timeout errors and slowness when previewing, signing & locking, and unlocking clinical notes.
Clinical and Regulatory
Reduction in server 500 errors for Clinical Notes with persistent forms (Web)
After 4:00 PM ET, you should see a reduction in server-side 500 issues related to editing, previewing, locking, and unlocking clinical notes with persistent forms on the DrChrono web platform.
Payments and RCM
Total claim count under custom field screen
We fixed an issue where the total number of claims for a billing status showed different values under the Live Claims Feed and Custom Fields > Billing Statuses. They will both now show the same, accurate value.
Practice Management
Updated the order of messages in the Dashboard widget
The order of messages in the dashboard widget now matches the order in the message center. Dashboard widget messages are now ordered by latest updated to oldest.
Practice Management
Updated the order of offices in Calendar
We fixed an issue where unarchived offices appeared out of their correct order within the office list when creating an appointment and the Offices list in Schedule > Calendar, whereas the office list in Account > Offices appeared in the correct order. Now when you unarchive an office, it appears in the correct order within the office lists in Calendar.