Using the Free Draw Feature Outside of a Clinical Note

You can use the free draw feature to mark up or annotate documents in the patient's chart outside of the clinical note.

1. Tap on the patient's name and select Patient History.


2. Select the document.


3. Tap the (Arrow_Box_icon.png) icon in the upper right corner and select Free Draw. You can then draw or add text to the document. You can also add a title. When finished, tap Save New.


You can also use the free draw function from the patient's chart on the iPad.

1. Search for the patient by tapping on the (Search_icon_iPad.png) icon.


2. Select the document from the menu tap the (iPhone_Menu_Icon_2.png) icon and select Free Draw. You can then draw or add text to the document. You can also add a title. When finished, tap Save New.
