Message Center Notifications

When you receive a new message in your message center, a number appears above Messages Message_Center_Icon_with_Notification_Number.png. This number indicates that you have any new or unread messages in your inbox.  The notification appears when you have a new:

  • Fax
  • Lab result
  • Refill request
  • Referral
  • Online appointment scheduled
  • OnPatient message
  • Direct message
  • Report generated in DrChrono

Once a message is read, the notification number disappears or reduces by one.  

If your office has multiple providers, you can enable the Access All Messages for Practice Group. This allows you to view all of the messages for all of the providers in your practice. However, when this permission is enabled, the notification number of messages will only reflect the messages assigned to the user who is logged in.


In the example below, the Access All Messages for Practice Group is disabled. The provider will only see their messages.


Next, we have enabled the Access All Messages for Practice Group permission. The provider has access to all of the messages in the group but the message count only reflects the unread messages for the logged-in provider.
