Health Gorilla is not Loading in my DrChrono Account

If the Health Gorilla window does not load in your account, it could be an issue with your browser's cookie settings. This article will review how to change your browser's settings to utilize Health Gorilla in your account for Safari and Chrome browsers.


When accessing Health Gorilla in the patient's chart or clinical note, you may see a screen similar to the one below.

Safari Health Gorilla Not Loading .png

In order to load the Health Gorilla window, go to the Safari preferences and select the Privacy tab. Uncheck the Prevent cross-site tracking box. Refresh the page to load the Health Gorilla window.

Prevent Cross-Site Tracking .png


When using the Chrome browser, you may see a screen prompting you to log in to Health Gorilla. After attempting to log in, you will see a message that says the app cannot connect.

Chrome Health Gorilla Cookie Error Screens.png

For the window to load, you must allow cookies in your browser settings. Go to Chrome's settings and select Privacy and Security. Allow cookies and refresh the page to load the Health Gorilla window.

Chrome Allow Cookies.png